Ovulation and safe period

Ovulation and Safe Period

How to Properly Monitor Ovulation

As a woman of reproductive age, having a control of your reproductive life can be such a great relief as it can guide one to properly plan for a conception or avoid conception( contraception). With recent innovation and research, clinicians have developed new methods of proper monitoring of ovulation cycle. This article will take you through the various ways of tracking the menstrual cycle.

a picture showing one hand holding a test kit, a thermometer and another hand holding a phone

The Ovulation Tracker 

 Ovulation tracker applications are smart phone apps that uses algorithms to help women is tracking their menstrual cycle, predict ovulation and increase their chances of conception for the ladies seeking to conceive. For those looking for ways to avoid pregnancies , natural contraception can prove to be one of the safer ways of avoiding pregnancies, with limited risk of unnecessary exposure to hormonal contraceptives. This  application Uses data from the menstrual cycle to display the safe period and the most fertile periods. This application consider factors like past cycle length, last menstrual dates and the typical timing of ovulation to predict the next fertile window.

Basal Body Temperature Tracking

This method of monitoring Ovulation uses variation in the body temperature pattern across the different phases of the menstrual cycle to predict the most fertile periods and the safe periods. A basal thermometer is used to record body temperature every morning. There is usually a rise in basal temperature after ovulation due to an increase in progesterone levels in the blood. This generally serve as an indicator of ovulation. It is worth noting that this method requires a great deal of discipline to observe and implement. Thus it is not very reliable as it can sometime fail.

Cervical Mucus Observation

Monitoring changes in cervical mucus consistency and color can sometime give clues as to as to the phase of the menstrual cycle a woman is experiencing. This is because as ovulation approaches , cervical mucus becomes clear slippery   and stretchy as egg white. with clear and consistent monitoring, one can record the changes and promptly know when she is ovulating. The changes in the cervical mucus during ovulation is to produce an optimal environment for sperm transportation and survival.

Ovulation Predictor Kits

This ovulation monitor kits detect spikes in luteinizing hormone which is typically seen during ovulation. They are easy to use as they usually have clear instructions written on them. The mode of action is almost equivalent to the pregnancy test kits.

Finally, Monitoring ovulation is a routinely faced problem to women of reproductive age. Consequently , Ovulation monitoring apps, basal body temperature tracking, cervical mucus observation and Ovulation predictor kits can take this hassle away. For women with a regular menstrual cycle length, the above app is just the perfect one for you.